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Pixy in SPI mode: how to utilize a CS/SS pin ?

Dude! just modify the PixySPI_SS.h file!

I don’t have a PixySPI_SS.h file in C:\Programme -> Arduino -> libraries -> Pixy -> …



where can I get a Pixy header cable for all 10 Pixy wires plugged to the Pixy header block,
1-6 to plug to the original Arduino SPI header block,
and 7-10 for the rest like CS and UART and I2C and GND and so on (male jumper wires)?

Hello Helmut,

The PixySPI_SS.h file is in this file:

You may need to delete the pixy directory (C:\Programme -> Arduino -> libraries -> Pixy -> .) so you can install the new Pixy Arduino library.

Regarding your question about the Arduino cable. They are fairly easy to make:

The cable is easy to make. The connectors are available at most electronics places (the Digikeys, Mousers, etc)


The cable crimps easily, no tools necessary.

Hope this helps!

thank you, I must have missed that there is new driver lib since I upgraded to the latest firmware.
about the cable and the plugs: thanks again, I never crimped cables by my own, but I’ll try and see.

Hello Helmut,
Some of the bigger ribbon cable connectors (40 and 50 pins) are pretty challenging, requiring a couple hundred pounds of force(!)

But the 10-pin connector that Pixy uses is easy to crimp with either some pliers or pounding on it with a small weight. They sell crimp tools for this, but they aren’t necessary.

Hope this helps!

thank you fo encouraging me! :slight_smile:

I now ordered by Ebay this:

which I will cut in 2

and additionally this
which I will try to crimp to the first 6 of 10 for the SPI header.

from the remaining 4 wires the 1st one will be the CS pin (hopefully).

I’ll try and see… :-/