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A couple of questions

Is it possible to pass the video through so that one can monitor what the Pixy is seeing? I would be serving it from a Raspberry pi (on a simple html server) which would also be reading the data from the Pixy.

Couldn’t you use a couple of lasers of different colors, rigidly mounted with the Pixy, to get range info? They’d have to be maybe 6 inches or a foot off center so you could triangulate. I’m hoping a red laser and a green laser mounted together would be easy enough to “see” that you could use it outdoors.


Hi Norm,

Yes, you can receive actual video from Pixy over USB using the firmware it will ship with.

As for your range-finding idea, it should work, in theory. I don’t see why not. If I’m remembering correctly, I believe you could use a “trifocal tensor”:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trifocal_tensor to compute the distance given the positioning of the lasers and their detected points in the image.
