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Alternate form factor?

Would it be feasible to get pixy with the camera loose so that it might be arranged into a different form factor? I’m thinking having the board in a box with the camera only mounted on pan/tilt. Are the frequencies too high to use wires?

Hi Norm,

The camera sensor is mounted to the PCB, which you can see if you unscrew the lens mount. We’d need to design/test another mini-PCB to mount the sensor and lens on, in addition to the communication between the new smaller PCB and the main PCB. Unfortunately this wouldn’t be a simple task.

This kind of request highlights the benefits of Pixy being an open-source project. Since we give you all the hardware design files its much more possible for you to do this yourself, or contract another company to do it.

Good luck!


Any new news about separation between the camera sensor and the main board (smaller PCB and the main PCB)?
I have very small space to use just the camera sensor and lens of my robot. I think its super idea to make as raspberry pi and its camera.
Anther question : Is it possible to use external signal camera as input of the Pixy via I/O port?

Hi Ammar,

We have not done any work to interface an external camera with Pixy. If you just want to use the color detection, all of the code is up on our “Github project”:https://github.com/charmedlabs/pixy. As for removing the camera sensor from the board, you could probably do a similar interface as the Raspberry Pi, although this would take quite a bit of modification to the current board design.
