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Arduino PanTilt demo not working


I want to run the Pan/Tilt application with arduino. I have installed the pan/tilt program program. (File>>Examples>>Pixy>>pantilt) Arduino can’t control pixy’s Servos. But when I open the terminal, I get the object data.
For example;

Detected 1:
  block 0: sig: 1 x: 183 y: 171 width: 79 height: 56
Detected 1:
  block 0: sig: 1 x: 183 y: 171 width: 79 height: 56
Detected 1:
  block 0: sig: 1 x: 181 y: 174 width: 80 height: 49
Detected 1:
  block 0: sig: 1 x: 185 y: 136 width: 94 height: 92
Detected 1:
  block 0: sig: 1 x: 199 y: 169 width: 93 height: 60
Detected 1:
  block 0: sig: 1 x: 199 y: 169 width: 92 height: 60

What could be the problem?

Thank you.

Are the servos doing anything – moving, buzzing… ?

The servos might be plugged in backwards. The yellow wires should be oriented up and the brown wires oriented down.

You might try seeing if they work by pressing stop and typing in

rcs_setPos 0 1000
rcs_setPos 0 0
rcs_setPos 1 1000
rcs_setPos 1 0

type them into the command prompt. The servos should move.

@Rich LeGrand

Thank You for the reply. I solved the problem. There was no problem with the connection. I changed the servo gain settings.

Pixy is really great! It works very well. Pixy is really fast!

I wrote my own web page.

This is my test video

Thank you to the developers.