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Hello, I still have problems with this part: - thanks :)-for helping me before

“Place a short 4-40 fastener through the eyelet of the wire pushrod and attach it to a two-threaded bracket, but don’t tighten fully. The pushrod needs to be able to pivot around the screw. Attach the pushrod and fastener to the longer leg of the bracket.”

Does it need to make a sound when rotating? I think that I am not tightening enough, because it is not well attached by me, but you say it is better not to tight too much.

It stress me a lot not to have any idea of how to do it, and maybe break it.

And I have another question, what is the distance ( in section ) between the two parts I am assembling now, they must be really closed? two mm. ?

Hello Maria,
It looks like you’re really close, but the round servo horn in your 1st and 2nd picture is upside down. You need to unscrew it from the base and flip it over. That is, the other side of the servo horn interfaces with the servo shaft. That’s why your servo isn’t moving.

Sorry for the confusion!


Sorry, I am a bit silly, I don t know what did I do… I don t get it… this way? !! and how do you open the cam visor? I can t wait to try it!!



I think I got it… but the visor???

got it! sorry!
still trrying to make it works…where is the arduino cable connection?¿

I thik I didn t assembly it properly: here a pic

When I run the Demo, it doesn t move up and down plus righ and left movement is not smooth… :frowning:

Hello Maria,
It looks like the pushrod isn’t attached to the tilt servo horn. Is the tilt servo moving?


Hello Edward,
Thanks, I think the pushrod isn´t attached… but I don t know how to do it. The tilt servo is moving…

Hi Maria,
You need to detach the other end of the pushrod from Pixy (unscrew it). And then you can insert the end of the pushrod into the hole of the servo horn. And after the pushrod is attached to the servo horn, you can re-attach the other end of the pushrod to Pixy.

Hope this helps!


Hi Edward,
Thanks for your patience… is this way correct? - see pic-

now it makes a noise constantly. And acts a bit crazy sometimes…

Hello Maria,
I apologize for the problems you’re having. You might check out this troubleshooting guide:



Hi Edward,
Thanks for your email.I had already readen all tgat befire I sent you an emsil some days ago.There is no Arduino cable included witg the Pixy Cam pack.And I am wondering if the cam can damage my computer which us brand new.Naybe you could help me with the problem? I mean, I don t need sn specualist to suspect that maybe it is a source power problem, but I really need one if I want to solve it…
Thank you in advance,

Hello Maria,
We’ll have someone contact you shortly.


thanks, I just replied your email… I am a bit worried… how does the cable look? do you think I missed it? Is it better to try with some batteries? I had bought them already for the arduino and maybe it will solve the problem easily, I don t know…


Hello Maria,
The cable looks like this:
