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can i get 3D vision sensor with 2 Pixys connected together 2 slaves !

what i will get if i have 2 Pixys connected together ( 2 slaves ).
do i will get 3D vision sensor with 2 Pixys connected together or what do you think !

Hi Genius,

Theoretically Pixy could be used in this way, although it currently does not natively support stereoscopic vision algorithms. If you positioned two Pixys correctly and retrieved images from both of them, then you could use something like a disparity map to get depth information.


cuz i need to use two Pixys connected together to cover a larger scene area to fix losing the object.
how can i do that :slight_smile:

Hi Genius,

You could hook up multiple Pixys to an Arduino, and then get position data from each Pixy for the larger scene. Your Arduino code would need to know where the Pixys are positioned for this to work. Do you follow what I’m suggesting?


Hi Scott ,
I See
I understand what you mean
so that’s mean i don’t need to connect Pixys together as slaves with I2C port or what !

If you were to use I2C then yes, you could hook up multiple Pixy’s as slaves to the SDA and SCL lines. Your Arduino (or other micro) would act as the I2C master.
