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Can i save image that pixy can see? or run image algorithm on the image in realtime?


I need urgent help. I am doing my final year project. I want pixy to perform edge detection of an object and send data to arduino. Arduino runs the code for further functioning. Can i do it? then how?

if no,can i save the whole image on arduino or PC? so i can use it for separate edge detection.
If, still no, then anyway i can do something like this?

P.S sorry for bad english.

Thanks for help

Hi Zeeshan,

This is not something Pixy is meant to do. Sending whole images to Arduino is not practical and therefore the functionality is not built in. You can modify the firmware to do this yourself, however. Please see our “Github project”:https://github.com/charmedlabs/pixy for the source code. Let me know if you have any other questions.


Yes , i know pixy is not meant to do it. Actually i am working in infrared range.
So, only colors visible to pixy will be black and white. As, there will be 3 white sphere objects of different sizes, So i think pixy wont be able to detect them differently. So, is there anyway that pixy detect and send co-ordinates in this situation? or any thing related ? and i dont know how to modify firmware. so some guideline will be greatly appreciated.

And if still no, then, can i save the video pixy is sending to PC ? so that i can process it into frames and run algo on it on PC separately?

Hi Zeeshan,

You can save screen-captures from the feed, but not actual video. Hopefully this will suit your needs.

As for detecting the white objects, this will not work. You would need to modify the firmware. I’m guessing you’re using an IR lens? If so, one thing people have had success with in the past is to put a colored see-through film over the lens to “colorize” white objects, which Pixy can detect. Although in your case the colored film would need to be behind the lens, which would be a bit difficult.


Hi Scott,

Do i have to save screen captures manually? or is there some software for auto save or any other thing?
Can i read the port from matlab and process in realtime the frames?

yes iam using IR lens. Yeah but how will pixy differentiate between three different size white objects? or colored if use film? all objects will get same color right?

and how can i alter firmware? Any guideline please?


Hi Zeeshan, in the File menu in PixyMon, there is a “save image” option (assuming PixyMon version 1.0.0 or greater.)

You can find the saved images in your documents/pixymon directory.

hope this helps!