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Cannot open PixyMon

Hi, all, I have some problems about PixyMon.

When I first plug in the USB cable and double click PixyMon, PixyMon cannot be opened. And after I pull off the USB cable, PixyMon is opened.
Besides, When I first open PixyMon, and then plug in the USB cable, it shows: “error: Unable to open USB device.”

BTW, this Pixy and Arduino work well on another computer.

Anyone could help?

I have tried running “lsusb” from a command prompt, but I didn’t see “ID b1ac:f000” listed as one of the devices, which is Pixy.

Hi Frank,

Hmm thats odd. Please provide the following info:

  • OS type
  • Pixy firmware version
  • Pixymon version

Also, have you worked through the “troubleshooting guide”:http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/I_get_the_message_“No_Pixy_devices_have_been_detected”_in_PixyMon?


OS type: Ubuntu 14.04
Pixy firmware version: 1.0.2beta
Pixymon version: 1.0.2beta

Thanks, Scott

After a number of tries, my PixyMon can be opened correctly now, it’s really odd, I just tried to open it again and again.
but finally, I can get to work.