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CCBloc and Led

Hi everyone.

I’m trying to simultaneously read a CCBloc and change Led color, but it fail (ie : When I get an object, the led stop changing color). Any idea of the cause of this behavior ?

Next what will be the signature of single object in CCbloc mode and will I get an angle (I mean will it transmit an angle or not) ?

Thank to all

Hello Haarkon,
If you are changing the LED through the Arduino API and setLED (http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Arduino_API) once you call setLED, Pixy will relinquish LED control to you. That is, it will no longer control the LED for that power cycle.

I’m not sure what you mean by your 2nd question. Color codes blocks always have an angle, but a color code needs to consist of at least 2 signatures. There’s more information here:


Hope this helps!
