Hi again,
I’m writing a script in python to do a checksum of the values, according to the instruction the checksum is always the sum of the remainder of the message.
However, this is what I get straight from pixy:
ex1: [6314, 256, 1024, 768, 2304, 1792] = (256+1024+768+2304+1792) = 6144 (170 out)
ex2: [5546, 256, 1024, 512, 2304, 1280] = 5376 (170 out)
The other issue example is when the checksum goes over max uint16 (assumed to be 65535):
ex3: [4522, 257, 20480, 6144, 30464, 12544] = 69889 - 65535 = 4354 (168 out)
The final example is where is goes over the max twice:
ex4: [938, 258, 29952, 13824, 60160, 27648] = 131842 - (2 x 65535) = 772 (166)
seems to drop 2 every time it goes over.
Is this by design? or I’m I missing something.
Many thanks,