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CMUcam5 connecting to PixyMon through laptop and sending data via SPI to micro-controller simultaneously

I have my CMUcam5 connected via USB to my HP laptop on which I am running pixymon to see what the camera is seeing. I also have the camera connected to a micro-controller (actel smartfusion) to send the data via SPI. I cannot get the camera to support both features simultaneously - that is, I can see the video on my camera through pixymon when both my laptop and the micro are connected, but the data being sent to the micro is garbage. As soon as I unplug the USB from my laptop and cut off the video feed (I am also powering the camera with a DC power source) the data is sent properly to the micro-controller. Has anyone else had this issue? Is there an easy way to solve this? Thank you in advance for the help!

Hello Jay,
I haven’t heard people getting garbage when Pixy is plugged into a computer, but there have been confusion about default and cooked modes. When you run PixyMon, it defaults to cooked mode. In cooked mode, there is no data being send out the SPI port. There is some more information here:

Hope this helps!
