Hi Zed,
Here’s the code. It uses a proportional-dervative loop in rotation and translation of the robot and then maps these “virtual” motor axes to real (physical) left and right wheels.
It’s sort of inviting trouble just posting code like this, but here goes… (it won’t compile because not everything is here, just the important stuff)
#define LEFT_AXIS 0
#define RIGHT_AXIS 1
#define Y_TRACK 130 // sets how close the robot gets to the object before stopping
#define X_CENTER (320/2)
#define MOTOR_MAX 500
#define MOTOR_MIN -500
class MotorLoop
MotorLoop(uint32_t pgain, uint32_t dgain);
int32_t update(int32_t error);
int32_t m_prevError;
int32_t m_pgain;
int32_t m_dgain;
MotorLoop::MotorLoop(uint32_t pgain, uint32_t dgain)
m_pgain = pgain;
m_dgain = dgain;
m_prevError = 0x80000000; // to indicate that it's never been set
// control loop update!
int32_t MotorLoop::update(int32_t error)
int32_t vel;
if (m_prevError!=0x80000000)
vel = (error*m_pgain + (error - m_prevError)*m_dgain)/1000; // calc proportional-derivative
// saturation
if (vel>MOTOR_MAX)
vel = MOTOR_MAX;
else if (vel<MOTOR_MIN)
vel = MOTOR_MIN;
m_prevError = error;
return vel;
// Map axes! go from translational/rotational to left/right wheel space
void axisMap(int32_t in[], int32_t out[])
out[0] = (in[0] - in[1])/2;
out[1] = (in[0] + in[1])/2;
// calculate left and right wheel commands based on x, y value of blob
// just call this over and over again and robot will chase ball
void combine(uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
int32_t xError, yError, axesIn[2], axesOut[2];
xError = X_CENTER-x;
yError = Y_TRACK-y;
axesIn[0] = g_transLoop.update(yError);
axesIn[1] = g_rotLoop.update(xError);
axisMap(axesIn, axesOut);
setMotorVoltage(LEFT_AXIS, axesOut[0]);
setMotorVoltage(RIGHT_AXIS, axesOut[1]);
static MotorLoop g_transLoop(500, 800);
static MotorLoop g_rotLoop(700, 900);