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color code detecting problem with new software

I’ve met some problems with the new version of the software. When I tracked the color code, I found that the block information cannot be shown by hello_pixy, while it can be output by Serial Monitor in Arduino IDE and by get_blocks.py after building libpixyusb as python module. In addition, the color code can be detected in PixyMon. BTW, I’ve never seen this before in previous version.

Anyone could help?


by what Arduino Sketch code do you poll the CC data?
I can just see


for single colors, nothing about colorcodes!

I just follow the instructions “Hooking up Pixy to a Microcontroller” on Wiki.
It would output like that: block 0: sig: 1 x: 159 y: 109 width: 61 height: 61

block[ 0].signature 1 is a color code?
so colorcode 1 is block[ 0].signature ?
the first one of over all 7 possible ?
then block[ 0].x, block[ 0].y is the (x,y) coordinate of the first CC type, right?

now what about all 7 CC types - how are they coded ?
And what if you got 50 CC labels in your room of either CC type?
Or did I miss something ?

I think I don’t get it … :-/

(tbh, the developers should make some more detailed pages about the API - this topic is actually not about “hooking up” any longer, is it?)

If I had finally understood the API then I’m curious if I could confirm your issue…

sry if I’m hijacking your topic…

block[0].signature 1 is a single color, not a color code, if it’s a CC, it should be like block[0].signature 12. The number of CC could be extremely large there are enough colors, as they can be arranged in different sequence.
This works for all 7 signatures.
block[ 0].x, block[ 0].y is the (x,y) coordinate of the first CC type

I highly recommend that you should read the instruction on Wiki very carefully, then your questions would be solved.

(thank you, will continue in a different thread…)