i am working on a project using a robot arm and a pixy sensor. i am trying to sort colours using the pixy sensor. however i have found it rather difficult to extract the colour data. is there a method/location/interface that would allow this process to happen? i only need to sort 2 different colours, this should be relatively easy considering the power behind Pixy, however we cant seem to extract the colour signature data in any way. what have i missed? where should i look?
Hello Trevor,
Are you using an Adruino to talk to Pixy? If not, what microcontroller are you using?
If you are using an Arduino, you can run the hello_world program and get a feel for what data Pixy provides. One of the pieces of information is provides for each detected object is the signature number. If you were interested in say a red and blue object and you taught Pixy a red object for signature 1 and a blue object for signature 2, you could infer the color of the object by the signature number of the detected object: 1=red, 2=blue.
Hope this helps!
yes it is talking with an Arduino board. That board also runs a servo mounted with a plate the objects are on. The arm that is picking and placing objects, is on a different Arduino board. The color selection needs to trigger the servo to stop rotating as well as trigger an operation in the arm (1=red=right placement 2=blue=left placement)