just received the Pixy with Pan/tilt base. I ran the pan/tilt demo and it appeared to track objects. I then started up Pixymon (version 0.1.49). First I get a black screen with white outline squares within it. Then after a couple of seconds the screen goes all black. The console text reads “Pixy detected.” and then immediately on next line “error: Unable to open USB device”. These two lines get then repeated over and over again.
I thought that perhaps this was a firmware version so I downloaded the newer (1.0.2Beta) firmware version. When I followed the instructions to install it I got the following (after selecting the file through Pixymon)
Pixy programming state detected.
Programming… (C:/temp/pixy/firmware-1.0.2beta.hex)
error: communication error during programming.
Any suggestions on further troubleshooting or fixes? I tried searching these forums but could not find anything close enough related.
I am running this on a Windows 8.1 machine.