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Connecting the Pixy to a FriendlyARM board using I2C

Hi everyone,

We are trying to hook the Pixy (fw 0.1.43) to a FriendlyARM board (mini210s) using a hand-crafted I2C cable.

Our cable connects the pins 9, 5 and 8 of the the Pixy’s I/O connector to the relevant pins of our board. We then plugged the Pixy to a computer running the latest PixyMon (0.1.49 / OS X) and taught it two colors and changed the data output port to 1 in PixyMon’s settings (for I2C output).
Finally we detached it from PixyMon and tried to interact with it from our board (which is running Linux).

i2cdetect from i2c-tools does not find anything at 0x54 and we don’t manage to interact with the Pixy from hand-written C or Python programs.

Any idea what we are missing?


Hi Thomas,

It seems like you have things connected correctly. Have you tried verifying the I2C communication using an Arduino? You can find instructions “here”:http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Hooking_up_Pixy_to_a_Microcontroller_like_an_Arduino#I2C.

Let me know what you find.


Also be sure you’re running the “default program”… (if you’re running the “pan/tilt demo” or are in “raw” or “cooked” modes, no data will be streamed.)