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@ developers: please provide us with more source examples for block detection, differential drive control and much more

@ developers:
please provide us with more source examples for
block detection,
CC detection,
differential drive control (providing standard encoder motors) to follow moved BLOBS
BLOB shape optimizitation (multiple falsely separated detected blocks unified to 1 large block)
BLOB shapes represented by polygones instead of upright rectangles

…and much more

I’d rather have them prioritize bugfixes, new features (face detection) and gcc conversion for now. You’re asking a lot here… But yeah, I’d like to see some examples as well, eventually.

Hi Helmut,
Posting lots and lots of messages is probably not the best strategy and we’ve received at least one complaint. Can you please exercise some discretion? What you want tends to get lost in the noise.


well, of course, if my answeres got answered: immediately !
It’ just about common issues, just about CC detection, SS/CS pin usage - and some more examples, because the 1 you are providing (“hello_world.ino”) is really poor!

but of course:
1 issue <=> 1 post
4 issues <=> 4 posts

and finally, this is forum to post issues, so why would have anyone reasons to complain about other users dispairing at unresolved and unanswered problems?