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Full SPI data protocol

For a school project I am hooking up a Pixy2 to an Olimexino STM32 microcontroller, and programming it with Simulink. Why? Because we can, probably. The goal is to make the Olimexino control a self-driving car to follow a line. I got the most important features working now. I can switch the LED’s on and off, and I can send a request for the line tracking data and read most of the answer. This means I can identify the start and the end of a vector.
However there is a lot more data coming at me. I would like to know what this is. I also want to be able to set next turn, recognize intersections etc. In the info on the website I did find the porting guide, but it is rather summarized. A lot of values are marked ‘(varies)’. I’ve been looking for a while but I can’t find the full communications protocol. Is there someone who can help me with that?

Thanks a lot.


here’s the API documentation, which should round out the porting guide info: https://docs.pixycam.com/wiki/doku.php?id=wiki:v2:pixy2_full_api#line-tracking-api

Sorry for the confusion! Let us know if you need anything else!
