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Hacking a CMUcam5 Pixy for Infrared

Hi, so i have been thinking about hacking my pixy to see in only Infrared light. Using a low cost plastic infrared filter on top of the sensor. Basically, i want the pixy to follow only one source. My thought is by having only one source, an infrared LED, you can program a robot to follow and track the LED. Any thoughts??

Hi Chad,

We’ve heard of many other Pixy supporters that want to do the same thing. “This”:http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Will_Pixy_tracksense_IR_light wiki page has a short explanation of using IR with Pixy.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


Huh, so the lens that shipped with pixy is designed to reduce the amount of IR light hitting the sensor. So i would need a clear lens and a filter that stops all light expect IR.
Where do i find a pixy lens with out the IR coating??

Hi Chad,

Here are a few links to lenses:


Those pages will have lenses with IR filters and no IR filters.
