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Hard to detect the plastic cup

Hello :slight_smile:
New to Pixy and this site, and I need a suggestion.
I am doing my project with Pixy, and the project need my bot recognize the plastic cup.
The imagine of the cup is uploaded (The Cup.png)
And it looks like this cup is too complicated for pixy, maybe for it is a little transparent, or it’s crystal-like shape on the surface.
Anyway, the Pixy will confuse the cup with a lot of background and become a mess. :frowning:
Is there any suggestion for me to make Pixy recognize this cup? I know it will be easy to just change one, but the project has restrict on this.

Hello Henry,
The cup may be difficult for Pixy to reliably detect because it’s a dark color and the color itself is muted. If you can use a cup that is a brighter color, Pixy will have a much easier time with it.


Hope this helps!
