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Hardware repository

Dear Pixy team,

Where is the repository to see the hardware file of Pixy ?

On the github one, there is only the source code not electronics files.


Hey Matthieu,
There’s nothing on github (hardware guys…) but you should be able to find everything you need in the documents section— let us know if we forgot anything:

Ok you just added the files I was looking for, thanks.

But do you plan to have a github for hardware stuff ?
I just received the pixy and I made a precise 3D CAD model (Solidworks + STEP). How can I share it ?

Hey Matthieu,
Cool! Please attach-- or send to me rich a t charmedlabs d o t com — either way I’ll add it to the documents!


Ok I will send you soon. Just to finish the design, I would like to add texture. I made some my self but it is not terrible. Do you have HD picture of the front and back view of the pixy board ?

So the design is globally finished. I use my low-quality picture for the texture:


If you can give me better pictures of the board, I will update the design.

The 3D design has been made for the integration of a Pixy camera in the “Poppy robot”:http://www.poppy-project.org/ head, see the “dedicated topic”:https://forum.poppy-project.org/t/vision-system-for-poppy/92/6?u=matthieu

The sources (Solidworks 2013 & STEP) are available under Creative Commons License on “GrabCad”:https://grabcad.com/library/pixy-camera-cmucam5-1

Rich, you are free to use them for any purpose and of course add it to the documents :slight_smile: