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HELP!!! cmucam5 not working anymore!!!!!


So, I was working with the Redbot kit microcontroller to control the cmucam5 on the Redbot kit Robot (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12697). To my knowledge, the Redbot kit microcontroller works the same as the Arduino Uno. The ICSP that you connect the cmucam5 to the Arduino Uno is also on the Redbot kit microcontroller.

The problem is that, on the the Redbot kit microcontroller (that is connected to a 6V power supply battery), I connected the cmuccam5 to the ICSP pin the wrong way for good 20 min and finally figured out that the ICSP connection from the cmucam5 to the ICSP pin on the Redbot kit microcontroller was connected 180-degrees the wrong way on the 6X6-pin connector. I think I might’ve fried/shorted something, because now, the cmucam5 does not behave normally, nor can it upload any code from the Arduino IDE (even with the Arduino Uno microcontroller) anymore. Do I need to order a new cmucam5? The camera cannot even recognize and follow an object normally like it used to when I first got the cmucam5.

Please help, ASAP. I need a solution/response as earliest as possible.


Hi J,

Hmm that doesn’t sound good. Is Pixymon able to detect Pixy or communicate with it in any way?
