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[Help] Connect CMUCam 5 Pixy to TIVA C Series LaunchPad.

Someone help me to use Tiva LaunchPad (Like ARM Stellaris board) to CMUCam 5. In adruino, we have the part to connect but in TIVA it’s so different. I’m stuck T_T


We don’t officially support the Tiva LaunchPad, and since I don’t have one to use I can only provide limited support. You should still be able to connect via SPI, I2C, UART, etc by connecting wires from Pixy to your board. Just find which pins on the Pixy correspond to the communication method you want to use. But, unfortunately there is no connector like we have for Arduino.

Hopefully someone who owns a LaunchPad can provide more details.


Thanks Scott, but I tried to use UART but I receive nothing. Just blank, I dont know what I “should receive”. What is the info transfer from Pixy? Thank you anyways


You can find the Pixy serial protocol “here”:http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Pixy_Serial_Protocol. This is the format of the data you should receive. Make sure that you’ve properly trained Pixy on an object first. You can verify this in Pixymon to ensure the color signature is working.

Good luck!
