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Help! Pixy tracks objects above, but flips out at objects down low

I have a Pixy and Pan/Tilt plugged into my Arduino Mega.
My problem is a very peculiar one:

When I hold an object up high (above Pixy) and move it back and forth, Pixy tracks it perfectly. However, when I put the object at eye-level or below… Pixy starts freaking out and spinning all over the place. While Pixy still roughly tracks the object, it keeps violently jittering around like it just had an expresso.

Why is it that Pixy tracks very smoothly above eye-level, but eye-level or below it starts tripping out?

Any help would be awesome! I am new to Pixy and this Forum!

Hello Wesley,
That does sound strange. There is no reason I can think of why Pixy would have trouble tracking below eye-level.

One thing to try is take a look at your object in cooked mode:


does Pixy have a good “lock” on your object below eye level?

This guide might help improve the signatures:


and this troubleshooting guide might shed some light on your problem:


Hope this helps!
