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Help: Pixy with Arduino Mega on MacOSX 10.9.2

Hello Everyone :slight_smile:

I can run the Pixy directly with the mini USB and it works great.
I can run the Arduino by itself as well. Followed all the steps from the wiki.

However when I plug the Pixy to the Arduino PixyMon says “error: No Pixy devices have been detected.”
I can upload the code but nothing else happens, and the pixy doesn’t show up. The serial port chosen was dev/tty.usbmodem1421.
I attached images of my setup and of the programs running.

What have I missed or done wrong?


You should be able to run the Arduino programs fine in this manner, but PixyMon won’t work. You have the Pixy connected to communicate with the Arduino, not with the PC.

When hooked up to your Mac, you should be able to run PixyMon to program the Pixy and see what it has learned and run the sample programs. If all looks well, you can hook it up to the Arduino and use the serial monitor to view what the Arduino is getting from the Pixy, but you won’t be able to use PixyMon.

I only got my Pixy yesterday and started playing with it today, so if I’m wrong here anyone feel free to step in and correct me.


Thanks Shannon.

Yea I managed to run the pixy and arduino when both are plugged in and got the serial monitor working.
Then I have to unplug the usb for the pixy for the serial monitor to continue working.

Hi Jonathan,
You definitely need to plug in the USB cable for PixyMon to talk to Pixy.

If you are running the “default program” while running PixyMon (not “Raw” or “Cooked” video modes), your Arduino serial monitor should output messages about detected objects.

The “default program” vs “Raw” and “Cooked” modes is tripping up lots of users— we’ll improve in the next release. There’s more information here:

