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Hooking up a Pixy to Raspberry Pi

Hi , very good day!
I am Ganesh.
The problem is

  1. is pixy should be connected to R’pi through USB or it also should be connected through ribbon cables to GPIO pins or the one between ethernet port and HDMI port. But the cable i got in pixy has different ports which cannot be connected to R’pi directly.
  2. should i need to follow any other process to connect pixy to R’pi.
    Actually i am trying to connect pixy camera to raspberry pi as given in adafruit.com
    http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki … spberry_Pi
    i connected pixy to R’pi through USB . I got the blue light on pixy , but i when i am trying to take a picture by running the command
    raspistill -o image.jpg i am getting like this in terminal

failed to create component vc.ril.camera , camera is not detected and check carefully the camera module is not installed correctly

even after installing and building all libraries. When i tried to run hello_pixy example as given in site iam getting only frame numbers but no other values. Please help me
Waiting for your valuable suggestion.

Hello Ganesh,
Hmm, I’m not familiar with raspistill, but I’m guessing it has something to do with a v4l interface. Pixy doesn’t have a v4l or standard webcam interface, so the error makes sense.

Regarding hello_pixy, it looks like it’s connecting to Pixy fine, but it’s not detecting an object. Have you taught Pixy an object?

