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Horrible focus and dim images. (Assembly issues on my unit.)

I will admit I was disappointed with the out of focus and dim images I was getting out of my unit. It seemed to require large amounts of light, and I assume the image sensor was just a very cheap/shoddy item. It turns out that the lens was not properly configured. Loosening the set screw, and rotating the lens outward made a huge difference. Now the video is much sharper, and the images are brighter as well. I do note that it does not handle strong lighting, and the auto brightness, or iris, is needed and missing. Hopefully we can fix those things in software, but I thought I would add this comment so others who have simular issues might be quicker to correct it.

Hi Rich,

Thanks for noting that the focus can be adjusted by rotating the lens. I’m sure this will be helpful for quite a few other people.

As for brightness, there are a few different parameters you can play with to improve the image quality:

  • cam_setAWB
    ** Enable/disable Auto White Balance (AWB)
  • cam_setWBV
    ** Set White Balance Value (WBV)
  • cam_setAEC
    ** Set Auto Exposure Compensation (AEC)
  • cam_setECV
    ** Get Exposure Compensation Value (ECV)
  • cam_setBrightness
    ** Set brightness value to increase or decrease exposure (only applies when AEC is enabled)
  • cam_setLightMode
    ** Set light mode to compensate for low or high lighting conditions

Hope this helps!
