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How much current can the pixy handle?

Hi, I am looking to make a pixy project with stronger servos. I wanna make a “automatic cameraman”, where i wanna add a gopro to the pixy, with pan/tilt function, to make it follow objects going past it.

Now the question is:
How much current can the pixy handle?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hi Kasper,
Assuming you’re powering through JP1 (not USB!) Pixy can handle 1.0A total through the 2 servo connectors. The power limit is due to the voltage regulator, and it depends on the voltage at JP1— but it’s 1.0A nominal.

There is a way to modify the PCB by cutting and soldering J4 (cut the trace between pins 1 and 2 and solder pins 2 and 3 together) so the servos get raw power through JP1, bypassing the regulator. BUT cutting and soldering might be scary for some people!
