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How to limit Pixy to detect only "One" block at a time?

Dear All,

Could anyone tell me how to limit Pixy to detect only “one” block? i.e. When pixy logon to one IR beacon, if any other IR beacon appear will be ignored! I’m using Pixy to track only one IR light source at a time.

I’m not good in programming:( do I have to change the Pixy.h Libraries? I will be really appreciate if someone could shine a light to me.

Many Many Thanks… ^^

I’ve tried to change the Max blocks from PixyMon, but unstable??? Please Help…

Hello Mic,
Yikes, it looks like you are running an old version of PixyMon, perhaps old firmware. Make sure you are running the latest:



Hi Edward,
Thanks for your reply, Okay, let me make this clear, Basically when set to Max blocks=1 and Max signature per block=1, suppose we can only logon to one object, but I found out when the second object (with the same signature) came in frame, they will then fight with each other and all the X&Y will be toggle around regardless which firmware you using! I’ve tried the .17 with 2.0.9 PixyMon but with the same problem.
I can see this is a very common problem. Since we don’t want to track a Red color on one direction but suddenly pick up another Red color to go to another direction :frowning:

I’m now trying to writing a logic to fix this problem. Would that be possible to do an upgrade of the library to some hassle?

Hello Mic,
When you tell Pixy that you only want 1 object returned, it will return the largest detect object. If there is another object in the image that is roughly the same size as the largest object, these two objects may trade places as the biggest object due to noise. If the objects have significant size differences, this will not happen.

Can you describe what you are trying to do?

Perhaps you can filter the objects that Pixy returns in your code instead of relying on Pixy to do it for you. It sounds like Pixy’s filtering method isn’t doing what you want.
