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i want connect to pro mini

i want connect to pro mini

i see this wiki page “pin.png”
this is 9 pin

but, my pixy cable is “20140523_152223.jpg”
this is 6pin…

how connect?

Hi SeongHyeon,

Looks like the Pro Mini’s SPI pins are connected to 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK), so you should connect the pins as follows:

Pixy Pin    Pro Mini Pin
--------    ------------
7           10
1           11
4           12
3           13

Is this the information you were looking for?



It can help me a little more?


pixy i/o pin is 10 pin
my cable is 6 line…

i / o pins should be connected directly to do?
Following the structure of the pin in the picture like?
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10

oh~english very hard…TT

i say C

if(UART serial && SPI && I2C && USB && digital && analog)
//all output use run demo
Aruduino Sketch Pan/Tilt Demo RUNNING!
printf(“CASE A\n”);
}else if(UART serial || SPI || I2C || USB || digital || analog){
//only one OutPut use(ex:only I2c use) run demo
Aruduino Sketch Pan/Tilt Demo RUNNING!
printf(“CASE B\n”);

maybe, OUTPUT CASE B OK…is… i’m as stupid

I thought, ten pin all connected to the Arduino(Pro mini)
Only then Pan / tile demo Sketch is runnig

Scott, thank you for your kindness

Because my English is very bad,
Draw a picture looked a summary

Had to attach a file. this.jpg
This Sketch of the Pan / tile can run the demo right there?

There is no more need to be coded?
(ex: include to header… type the some code…)

very thanks!

Hi SeongHyeon,

In your picture, “SET1” is correct.

By default, the demo uses SPI only, not UART, I2C, analog, or digital.

Hope this helps!


Thank you always
PIXY and thanks to you I can make a wonderful work