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Infrared Training

Hello all:
Can a Pixy be trained to track an infrared diode? If so, could it be trained to distinguish a particular multi infrared diode pattern? Would this work in daylight?
Just thinking…


Hi Shorpal,

You can purchase a new lens for Pixy that allows only infrared light through. So yes, that would work.

As for the pattern, you wouldn’t necessarily train Pixy on the locations of diodes, you’d only train on the object color. To detect the pattern, you’d have to write this code yourself on the Arduino using the block positions sent by Pixy to detect if the locations of the blocks (diodes) are in the correct pattern.


Hi Scott:
I have a Pixy & an infrared diode source, and a replacement lens. When I try to train the Pixy looking at the infrared diode, it sees the diode as a bright white light, which is terrific, but it says it does not detect a distinctive hue. Any ideas on how to get past this issue?

Thanks for you thoughts,

Hi Shorpal,

I don’t think this is possible with the default firmware. However, I may be able to provide some assistance, since I have been working on a similar problem. Shoot me an e-mail whenever you get the chance ([email protected]).


I have a Pixy on order, but figured I would hit up the forums to look to see if anyone else has tried to track IR markers.

Can the Pixy be tasked with simply tracking brightness (luminance in video terms)? With an IR bandpass filter on the lens limiting it to only IR wavelengths we’d almost get the “cooked” video right out the sensor.


Good Day Gregg,

You might find the answer to your question somewhere in here: bit.ly/IR-LOCK



That looks exactly like what I am after!

Time to look at the project timeline to see if it will match up.

Thanks for the link, Thomas.