I want to connect the Pixy to a Lego NXT brick via I2C and I have a few questions.
The “Hooking up Pixy to a Microcontroller like an Arduino”:http://www.cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Hooking_up_Pixy_to_a_Microcontroller_like_an_Arduino wiki page indicates that the SDA and SCL lines from the Pixy have 4.7k pullup resistors (R14 and R15) to the 5V line. “Pixy’s schematic”:http://cmucam.org/documents/26 however shows these as 1k resistors. The “1.3 BOM spreadsheet”:http://cmucam.org/documents/32 also lists R14 and R15 as 1k resistors but the URL to Digikey is for 4.7k parts. I cannot read the resistor values from the Pixy. Could you please clarify what they are?
The NXT outputs 4 to 4.3 volts for sensors and recommends pulling the SDA and SCL lines up with 82k resistors (though I have read recommendations for 43k resistors if the device the NXT is communicating with only uses 3.3V power supply). With the Pixy already pulling the SDA and SCL lines up to 5V with much smaller resistors than recommended for the NXT, the NXT will have to draw a lot more current to bring the I2C lines low. Would you have any recommendations on how to interface the NXT to the Pixy?
Thanks for your help.