Hello! I am using the Pixy cam as part of a senior design project for school and I’m attempting to get the pixy cam working with IR. Since applying an IR friendly lens and an IR filter, the IR is clearly visible on the video produced by the camera within PixyMon. However, since the Pixy is designed for color it does not track the white blob produced by the LED. I was curious if it would be possible to create a quick fix for this by simply tampering with the data retrieved by the camera and shifting certain pixels such that the color white would appear as a different color prior to the blob detection.
I’m still doing some research and it appears that the map function within ColorLUT may be what I am looking for, but the code does not provide clear description. Can anyone let me know if this is possible or point me in the right direction to handle this?
Attached photo show the IR as seen through PixyMon