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Is it possible to cross compil Pixy softwares ?


In my humble opinion, the Raspberry is not a development platform but a target.
It is for this reason that I intend to play with Buildroot to cross compile my programs.
The first tests are quite positive, although there is still work to control this environment.
Pixymon requests QT 4 and Buildroot only offers me QT 5. Porting from QT4 to QT5 does not seem very easy.
Did one of you manage to compile Pixymon with Buildroot? Thank you in advance.
Best regards.


Hi Sylvain,
The latest PixyMon source works with Qt5. It’s more a matter of getting the Qt5 installed in Linux, although this is likely better than the last time we checked. I’d give it a try :slight_smile:


Your post contains a lot of useful information for me. Thank you very much for that.

Edward Getz wrote:

The latest PixyMon source works with Qt5. It’s more a matter of getting the Qt5 installed in Linux, although this is likely better than the last time we checked. I’d give it a try :slight_smile:

Hello Edward,

Thank you for this very quick and encouraging response.
As I still have written, the Raspberry is a target platform and should only include the bare minimum to work (no office, games nor lib-dev, compiler or systemd but a legacy syinit).
Buildroot is a perfect tool for generating a very light and clean operating system for embedded use.
I’m using a fork that includes QT5, examples and recent patches for the firmware and kernel:
The QT program is displayed in full screen without a window manager.
I would like to achieve that with pixymon.
Thank you again for your help.
