Hi all,
So I’m trying to use my Pixy with an ODROID XU3. When I connect the Pixy it is detected by PixyMon and an image is displayed of what the camera sees, however this quickly disappears and is followed by the message “error: Pixy has stopped working.” This is followed by another “Pixy detected.” message, however the image is not shown this time, then “error: Unable to connect to device.” appears. This process then continues, with the image showing for a glimpse the first time the Pixy is detected and the following messages looping over:
Pixy detected.
runprogArg 8 1
response: 0 (0x0)
error: Pixy has stopped working.
Pixy detected.
error: Unable to connect to device.
Pixy detected.
runprogArg 8 1
response: 0 (0x0)
error: Pixy has stopped working.
Pixy detected.
error: Unable to connect to device.
Can anybody help me with what could be happening here? I have connected the Pixy to my laptop (running Windows) and everything works fine.
Thanks heaps!