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Line following and ultraviolet light

Hello everyone. I am doing a proyect with pixy and arduino about a park assistance. I want to draw a line in order to follow it with my robot.

I have a couple of ideas for that:

  • Using Color codes and calculate the angle each, let´s say 500ms, so that arduino can decide which direction to take.

  • Using just a Color and when the block is not in the Center, decide to turn right or left if the block is right or left

  • Using a band of three Color and if the camera finds the central Color. go straight, if it finds the Color of the left, go right, and if it finds the Color of right, go left.

I want to ask if someone has done a Robot with any of These Features and please tell me which one offers a more ‘fluid’ movement.

And an extra question: How would ultraviolet Color (LEDs as well) work with Pixy? And which Color.

Thank you very much!

Hi Robert,

Regarding detecting the UV light, the Pixy lens filters this out, so it can’t detect it. However, you can buy other lenses to use with Pixy that will detect light in these wavelengths. “Here”:http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Can_I_replace_the_lens_on_Pixy is some info on changing the lens.
