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Measurement / Tele lens

Hi all

Can I use the Pixy to measure the distance to the tracked object (e.g. colour coded object)?
This if for an art project of mine where I need to know the distance between 2 poles carried by performers.
The distance can range between 0,5 and 10 meters (max!). It could possibly be assisted by an ultrasound sensor.

Another related question is: do I need a tele lens to view the other pole at 10 meters distance. Is there a lens I can use?
For another project (The iSemaphore Project (http://philippedruez.be/isemaphore) I used a Canon 70-200mm tele-zoom that I used with a hacked Logitech Ultra Vision webcam. This worked great (like a 1500mm tele!).


Hi Philippe! Nice to hear from the art side of things. You could write some code to get a rough estimate of distance using Pixy - it does report the size of the objects it’s detecting, so you could conceivably use changes in relative size to estimate distance.

Re: the tele lens, that depends on the size of the object you’re tracking. I can’t tell how big the pole is from the picture you attached, but rule of thumb is that Pixy can detect a table tennis ball at 3 meters with the normal lens. If you need, you can get a compatible zoom lens here: http://www.mindsensors.com/ev3-and-nxt/50-tele-lens-for-nxtcam-pixy

Let me know if you have other questions!


Hi Jesse

Thanks for the information and link! The pole (called macePod) will be some half meter above the person carrying it (possibly in a crowd). It has a circumference of 40cm at least but the shape is different from different angles of view (see image). If I can use the Pixy to track the object (with a pan-tilt) then maybe I can use an ultrasound for the distance. Accuracy should be 5cm at least. Or is a firmware update a possibility. I guess other users can use a z-parameter (distance measuring) as well.


Hi Philippe,

it’s unlikely that we will have a firmware update addressing that any time soon. I’m not the software guy, but I think adding distance calculation is pretty tricky when there are so many potential objects that Pixy can track (hundreds at a time) and they don’t keep unique IDs. That said, I’ll add it to our feature request list.

It sounds like you will probably need a tele lens to make the colored bits of the pole detectable by Pixy at distance. Let us know how it goes if you decide to try it!
