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meniscus height measurement

Hello - I need a non-contact method for measuring the height of a meniscus created by deionized water in a roughly 1/2" diameter vertical cylinder. I want to be able to repeatably fill the cylinder with the di water until the same meniscus is formed. Is this an application where the Pixy camera could help? I don’t think I can color the water, but could change the color of the cylinder and everything around it and add or remove lighting.

Thanks for any help.

Hello James,
Interesting problem!

I have couple ideas, but have no idea whether they are practical in your case or not. You can add dye to the water, and Pixy will be able to determine the height of the water. My other idea is to put a colored “floater” that floats ontop of the water. Pixy can detect the floater and its position.

Hope this helps!
