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New User with Lens Issues

Hi. I opened my CMUcam5 Pixy today and ran PixyMon. To my surprise, the image was beyond blurry. I was able to fix this by unscrewing the lens a little bit, but I could not locate the screw to tighten it into place (so it has some give to it). Also there appears to be a spec of dirt under the lens (notice the black blur on the right side of the attatched image.

Thanks for your time and to recap my issues are:

  1. Unable to find way to tighten lens and
  2. Dirt under lens (way to clean it?)

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Sam,

good news! This is probably the easiest problem to fix :slight_smile:

We focus the lens and clean the image sensor prior to shipping, but sometimes things shift during transit (and particles may be dislodged onto the sensor). All you need to do is unscrew the lens all the way, and look inside. You should be able to see a tiny fleck of dust on the sensor - just brush it off with a Q-tip, and screw the lens back in.

Pixy is designed to be focus-adjustable. See our wiki article on this here: http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/The_image_in_PixyMon_is_out_of_focus

You should have a small black screw included in your hardware bag. You can install it yourself to lock the lens into place. Let me know if you can’t find it!


Thanks Jesse.

I do not have the camera with me right now, but I do remember seeing a single black screw.

Cleaning it sounds easy enough.

Thanks for your time,