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Object following robot with Pixy 2.1

I’m writing a code which it will move towards the red or green cube, and when it reaches to certain distance, it will go to right if it is red and to left if it is green. But I think I have a problem with pixy.ccc.getBlocks();

The code:
#include <Servo.h>

#include <Pixy2.h>

Servo servo_9;

Pixy2 pixy;

int g = 0, r = 0; // Flags to track whether it turned left (green) or right (red)

bool colorDetected = false;

unsigned long lastColorDetectedTime = 0;

const unsigned long detectionTimeout = 500; // Time in milliseconds to confirm object is out of view

long readUltrasonicDistance(int triggerPin, int echoPin) {

pinMode(triggerPin, OUTPUT); // Clear the trigger

digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);


digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);

pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

return pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);


void setup() {

servo_9.attach(9); // Attach servo to pin 9

Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial port for debugging

pixy.init(); // Initialize Pixy2

pinMode(6, OUTPUT);

pinMode(5, OUTPUT);

pinMode(8, OUTPUT);

pinMode(4, OUTPUT);

pinMode(7, OUTPUT);

pinMode(3, OUTPUT);

analogWrite(6, 75); // Turn on motors to move straight

analogWrite(5, 80);

digitalWrite(8, HIGH);

digitalWrite(4, HIGH);

servo_9.write(80); // Set initial servo position to 80 degrees


void loop() {

float frontdist = 0.01723 * readUltrasonicDistance(A1, A0);

float leftdist = 0.01723 * readUltrasonicDistance(12, 13);

float rightdist = 0.01723 * readUltrasonicDistance(11, 10);

pixy.ccc.getBlocks(); // Get data from Pixy2

bool greenDetected = false;

bool redDetected = false;

int colorX = 0;

// Check for blocks and track the color position

if(pixy.ccc.numBlocks > 0){

for (int i = 0; i < pixy.ccc.numBlocks; i++) {

if (pixy.ccc.blocks[i].m_signature == 1) {  // Green color

  greenDetected = true;

  colorX = pixy.ccc.blocks[i].m_x;


if (pixy.ccc.blocks[i].m_signature == 2) {  // Red color

  redDetected = true;

  colorX = pixy.ccc.blocks[i].m_x;



frontdist = 0.01723 * readUltrasonicDistance(A1, A0); // Convert to cm

// Move towards the detected color using servo to steer

if (greenDetected || redDetected) {

// Adjust servo to turn towards the color based on its position in the frame

if (colorX < 140) {

  // Color is on the left side of the camera frame

  servo_9.write(100);  // Turn left (increase servo angle)

} else if (colorX > 180) {

  // Color is on the right side of the camera frame

  servo_9.write(60);   // Turn right (decrease servo angle)

} else {

  // Color is centered

  servo_9.write(80);   // Keep servo straight


// Check if the front distance is less than 20 cm

if (frontdist < 20) {

  // Perform obstacle avoidance using the servo

  if (greenDetected) {

    digitalWrite(8, LOW);

    digitalWrite(4, LOW);


    digitalWrite(7, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(3, HIGH);




    digitalWrite(8, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(4, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(7, LOW);

    digitalWrite(3, LOW);

    servo_9.write(105);  // Turn left (green)

    delay(1000);         // Hold the turn for 1 second

    servo_9.write(55);   // Reverse the turn

    delay(1000);         // Hold the reverse turn for 1 second

  } else if (redDetected) {

    digitalWrite(8, LOW);

    digitalWrite(4, LOW);


    digitalWrite(7, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(3, HIGH);



    digitalWrite(8, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(4, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(7, LOW);

    digitalWrite(3, LOW);

    servo_9.write(55);  // Turn left (green)

    delay(1000);         // Hold the turn for 1 second

    servo_9.write(105);   // Reverse the turn

    delay(1000);         // Hold the reverse turn for 1 second


  // After avoiding, reset the servo to default position






  if(rightdist <= 30){






if(leftdist <= 30){









// Short delay before the next loop iteration



Pixy is a good sensor, but it can occasionally have false positives (detection of objects that aren’t there) or false negatives (not detecting objects that are there). Programs that change state based on a single observation of an object can sometimes wind up in the wrong state. You might consider changing the logic to change state based on several detections of an object. Hope this helps.


No, problem isn’t in pixy, it is in the code. I don’t know why but when it enters void loop, it just do it one time, not endless