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One single white flash on connect, then "error: Unable to connect to device"

Hi all,

I have a Pixy IR-LOCK camera (no servo). I followed the instructions on this page: http://docs.irlock.com : on Windows 10 (Boot Camp on Macbook Pro), installed PixyMon 1.0.2 beta, flashed firmware_IRLOCKpixy_1.0.1.hex from http://irlock.com/pages/archived-files , then opened PixyMon, and it worked: default view showed a few small boxes around light sources, raw & cooked video modes showed pretty correct video.

When I came back an hour later, plugging it in via USB to my computer, it gives out a full white flash, then only a tiny weak red dot remains lit. PixyMon prints “Pixy detected.”, then “error: Unable to connect to device.” repeatedly, a few seconds apart. In this state, pressing the white button doesn’t do anything.

Unplugging, holding the button, and plugging it in still allows me to reflash the firmware, which turns the LED full green, then full white, and then the whole cycle of PixyMon prints starts again.

I ran through the troubleshooting checklist:

  • Swapped the USB cable for a shorter one; no change
  • Device manager shows Pixy devices > Pixy CMUcam5, device status: “This device is working properly.”. Though sometimes after I plug it in, Windows warns a few seconds later that a USB device was not recognized and recommends replugging.
  • Installed PixyMon 2.0.9 and flashed firmware 2.0.19-general from http://www.cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/files; no change

What else could I do to solve this issue?


Hello Patrick,
It sounds like for whatever reason your Pixy isn’t booting. I don’t have anything to add to your troubleshooting (good job!) Since you purchased through IRLock, please contact them if you haven’t already.
