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pan/tilt template

It would be handy to have a pdf file with life-size images of the pan/tilt base & body. There are many of us that don’t have access to laser cutters, cnc mills, 3d printers, cloaking devices, etc. With a pdf file, one could print a copy and use it as a template to make the body and base using simple hand tools. I’m lovin’ the PixyCam! Nice work guys!


Glad you’re enjoying Pixy! I am not too knowledgeable on the mechanical drawings for the pan/tilt base, so I wouldn’t know how to do that (I’ll see if I can find someone who is). Is there open source or free CAD software you can open up “these”:http://cmucam.org/documents/30 or “these”:http://cmucam.org/boards/8/topics/2923 drawings with to print out?
