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Pixy and Arduino Motor Shield

We are having compatibility issues with the Pixy and Arduino Motor Shield (https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoMotorShieldR3), connected to a Mega 2560. Having both connected and powered causes odd motor movements, suggesting interference between the pins. The odd thing that we are having trouble diagnosing is that this seems to occur for multiple modes of communication with the Pixy (at least ICSP and I2C). Our current plan is to try and connect the Pixy to non standard I2C pins using a library that allows I2C communication over arbitrary digital pins, but we are also wondering if anyone else has successfully gotten the Pixy to work with the Motor Shield and what the solution was.

Hello Josh,
What kind of communication does the motor shield use? What are the strange motor movements? Does it spontaneously move, or does it move slower/faster.
