I have recently picked up a pixycmu cam and while I am thoroughly enjoying experimenting with it, I’m already overwhelmed. i purchase it with the intention of using the pan and tilt feature to aid in controlling multiple servos.My current setup is the Pixy, Arduino Uno, and the adafruit 16 channel 12 bit PWM/Servo Driver-I2C interface.My plan was to take the positioning of the Pixy’s pan and tilt servos, and assign those positions to a multitude of servos(half of them pan, the other half tilt),however,after looking at the pixy’s example code, I fear I am a bit out of my depth. I only have coding experience with arduino, and the example seems very foreign to me.I know what I want to do, but I’m not certain how to get started.
How do I assign the positions of the servos used for the pan and tilt configuration to the servos attached to the Adafruit Servo Driver? Could someone help me get off on the right foot? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Here is a link to the servo driver I am planning on using [[http://www.adafruit.com/products/815]] Thanks in advance!