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Pixy / Arduino


I have just begun working with a Pixie. I am using it in a project with a student in which I would like to set Arduino pins HIGH or LOW depending on object location in the camera’s field of view (i.e., based on midpoint location of a detected object). I assume this could be done embedded IF statements. Can some one point me toward How-to pages, sample codes, or tutorials that would give me a hand in setting this up?

Thanks in advance,

Dr. P

Hello Frederick,
Are you using a microcontroller to talk to Pixy? Or do you wish to use Pixy stand-alone?

Using Pixy stand-alone might require you to modify the firmware. This is possible, but it’s more complicated that using Pixy with an Arduino, for example.



Yes, an Arduino Uno, and Mega. My strength is neurobiology, and building the hardware. I am a novice at the software (to say the least). So, I need some guidance.

As a matter of fact, for my projects, I periodically need brief sketches to kick start what I am doing (which is mostly teaching). Hence, I am considering asking the community if there are individuals whom I could hire to write sketches for me on a contract basis when the need arises.

So, now I need to get a handle on how to write a sketch that says: IF an object has a center (average of the Y values, average if the X values) such that (0<X<2 && 0<Y<2), <set PIN_0 HIGH, delay (500), set PIN_0 LOW>. If the center falls within another range of X,Y values, set the next PIN HIGH for a set amount of time, and so on. Hence, the pins will be activated based on object center location. I assume that this is a simpler variant of the basic servo sketches.



Hi Frederick,
It sounds like a pretty simple program. You could modify the hello_world sketch pretty easily, compare the x and y values of the returned block and then set an I/O on the Arduino accordingly.

Do you have any students and/or friends who can program an Arduino? It shouldn’t take them but a few minutes.

Hope this helps!



If you have a moment, would you be kind enough to kick start the process for me by indicating a few lines of code that would be structured to say <If X && Y are certain values, then do this>? I am not clear on how to structure a command based solely on two values (the X and Y) that are components of the blocks that the program is recording.

Thank in advance.


Good morning.

I am running PixyMon (simultaneously) set to Max Blocks = 1 and Max Blocks per Signature = 1. I cannot constrain the Arduino PinHIGH command to a set of X values. (It flashes irrespective of the X location of the detected object.) Apparently, I am not seeing some error in the code.


Thanks in advance!


Pixy pixy;// This is the main Pixy object

unsigned long tempo;

int centerX; // the name to be used for X value of object center
int centerY; // the name to be used for X value of object center

int Pin2 = 2;
int Pin3 = 3;
int Pin4 = 4;
int Pin5 = 5;

void setup()

  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);


void loop()
  static int i = 0;
  int j;
  uint16_t blocks;
  char buf[32];

  blocks = pixy.getBlocks(); //grab blocks

  centerX = pixy.blocks[i].x; // unsure: correct location & syntax?
  centerY = pixy.blocks[i].y; // 

  if (centerX < 200) // when the object is here on the X axis
    if (millis() - tempo <= 500) //
      digitalWrite(Pin4, HIGH); // LED on for 500 ms
  else {
    tempo = millis();
  digitalWrite(Pin4, LOW);
  // If there are detect blocks
  if (blocks)
  { i++;
    if (i % 50 == 0)
      sprintf(buf, "Detected %d:\n", blocks);
      for (j = 0; j < blocks; j++)
        sprintf(buf, "  block %d: ", j);


// end of if (blocks)

Hello Frederick,
Your program has lots of issues, so it’s hard to know where to start. :frowning: I can tell that you are struggling with C. Unfortunately, this is not really a forum to learn C programming (sorry). I’d try to solicit help from a friend who understands C.

Again, sorry…


Thanks anyway… I got it straightened out and working. I am now expanding it for a prototype on which I am working.