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Pixy Bricked with Red Light on Power On

I think I may have bricked my Pixy in some way. When I plug it in it will show a red light for exactly 1 minute and then switch to a white light. No USB device is ever detected by Linux. Plugging it in and holding the top button to enter firmware mode doesn’t work either. Is there anyway to recover? Maybe using the debugging ports? I would think that if it was completely unrecoverable that the light would not have changed from red to white. Something is running on the device and failing to boot up correctly. Any help? Thanks.

Hi Omwah,

So your Pixy was working fine before and now it isn’t? Can you think of anything you did that may have caused damage to the Pixy, like wiring up too high of voltage, or sending voltage to the wrong pin? If you can’t enter firmware mode then you may be out of luck, unfortunately. Just as a sanity check, can you try using your Pixy on a different computer to make sure it isn’t a communication issue? Good luck!
