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pixy-chipkit connect serial

Hi, Im doing a project using pixy and chipkitmax32. I connect these two with serial connection (UART). I use the example that given in libraries folder, hello_world and uart, but it doesn’t work. All i got is just “Starting…”.And when i print block variable, all of their value is 0. Can anyone help me?

I’m not familiar with the chipkit. Is it Arduino compatible? Does it have an ICSP connector similar to Arduino? If so, the included Arduino cable that came with Pixy should work. That’s where I’d start, but I don’t know anything about the software environment for this controller.


it’s writen in chipkit website that this controller is arduino compatible. And I think it has ICSP connector but I don’t know is it similiar to arduino or not. Actually I don’t really know about this micro because I’ve been using chipkit for only 2 months. And is it possible if I just want to use four cable for connect it via serial?