Hi, Im wondering how to get the output data from pixymon to be read by a web app, is there an option to send the data to a json file?
Hello Ehe,
That’s an interesting question! It doesn’t currently, but we might consider adding later. Can you describe your appiclication?
Yeah, Im creating 78 color codes to be tracked by Pixy, then the data from Pixy would be read by javascript and render in the screen the corresponding objects to the color codes Pixy recognized. What I don’t have a clue how to do, is to take the data out from Pixy and turn it into a json file or something javascript can read in real time.
Thanks for your reply Edward.
Hi Ehe,
Sounds great!
You can start by adding http server functionality to PixyMon. It shouldn’t be too difficult. You can then work on the separate problem of getting the http server to provide the information you want. I’ve played with this:
It may be a good starting point.
Have you tried to recompile PixyMon? There’s information here to help you get started:
Hope this helps!