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PIXY does not boot?


I have been using my PIXY 5 for a couple of weeks now without any problems. It has been connected to a 3.3v Arduino via I2C.

Today it “bricked up”. When I provide power, either from the Arduino or via USB the LED lights up red for a while and then turns white. (The same as described in this post: http://www.cmucam.org/boards/8/topics/4849?r=4851). I am not able to connect to PIXYmon or enter the firmware update mode.

I have two other PIXY´s that are connected in the same way. Both work fine with the hardware that the bricked unit was connected to.

Any assistance would be very much appreciated!


Hello Alan,
Wow, that does sound like a bad Pixy. We’ll have someone contact you via email.


Thank you very much Edward!


Dear Bro, I am facing same problem… please help me, if you have sorted out it.
email: [email protected]