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Pixy for 3D Scanning Triangulation?

Complete noob here so if this is way out in left field, let me know (along with some internet resources as to the necessary technology for triangulation). I found this overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4_CVyYBp1Y and from what I gather, you just need to monitor the light patterns on the object with something along the lines of a pixy and you will be able to codify the dimensions of the object… probably not true, but either way, would like to know if anybody has tried something like this or if it would even be necessary with pixy… thanks!

Hello Jacob,
This is interesting! You probably saw this video:

Pixy can find lasers reliably. Tracking a line of laser light is possible too, but Pixy’s color blob algorithm won’t do a good job of describing the shape of the laser line. It’s possible to modify the firmware though.

Hope this helps!
